Tag Archives: chakras

A Chakra Meditation

Dr Blessyl www.drblessyl.com and I really enjoyed teaching a workshop at Lole www.lolewomen.com last week on colours in fashion and the chakras, the subtle energetic centres of our bodies. While I was going over our material to cover, I realized that a Maya Angelou quote that a client had shared a few weeks ago  ‘I approve of my right to be here’ would be the starting point to a chakra meditation I wanted to create. Bringing awareness to our subtle energetic body and our chakras helps us gain a wider perspective to ourselves and our relationship with the world around. This meditation is based on the 7 inalienable rights described in the book Eastern Body, Western Mind (Anodea Judith).

In a comfortable position, sitting, lying down, or in a restorative bridge position with a block under the sacrum to create a grounding energy:

Ground yourself with restorative bridge posture

feel grounded in restorative bridge posture

Begin by bringing awareness to the base of your spine and say to yourself:

I approve of my right to be here (1st chakra)

Moving your awareness to your pelvic area:

I approve of my right to feel (2nd chakra)

With awareness at your navel area:

I approve of my right to act (3rd chakra)

Notice your heart center:

I approve of my right to love and be loved (4th chakra)

Notice the seat of your voice, throat area:

I approve of my right to speak and hear the truth (5th chakra)

Concentrate on the area between your eyebrows, center of your forehead:

I approve of my right to see (6th chakra)

Bring your attention to the crown of your head:

I approve of my right to know (7th chakra)

These 7 phrases can also be used as mantras to meditate upon anytime and anywhere to connect with your inalienable birthrights and consider if anything is in the way of you being truly comfortable in your experience of each of these rights.