Tag Archives: transform your butt

Top 5 Moves to Transform Your Butt

I have built muscle and transformed my own butt and many others over the course of my career as a fitness trainer so far. Thank you to my sister for making fun of me and lighting the fire under my butt as a teenager. Here is my list of perennial favourite, super effective moves for transforming your butt in time for spring:

1. Running stairs or hill sprints (walk if that’s more comfortable for your body- still highly beneficial)

2. Walking lunges. This is my go-to exercise, as it is the best for working your glutes, hamstrings, quads and co-ordination synergistically with the undeniable results of a well shaped butt. Walking lunges uphill are a tough workout when the right hill presents itself, meaning a not too steep hill.

Vivian Law butt workout

Uphill training, combined with walking lunges!

3. Squats in any variation. Once you learn to perform squats with good technique, all the different variations confer the benefit of training your core, quads, glutes and hamstrings all at once.

Basic weighted squats can be done anywhere...

Basic weighted squats can be done anywhere…

4. Bridge position, static, or moving reps with or without the stability ball. The bridge position/posture requires the lower back, glutes and hamstrings to work together to hold the position. Holding the posture builds isometric strength and  moving reps with feet on the floor or on a stability ball builds isotonic strength in the glutes and hamstrings. Both types of muscular strength are needed for highly functional and well developed muscles.

5. Virabhadrasana II/Warrior II posture borrowed from yoga practice is a great addition to any strength training routine for the legs. This posture builds strength and flexibility simultaneously in the glutes, hamstrings and quads in addition to inner strength, flexibility and relaxation.