Tag Archives: top 10 list

Top 10 List of Favourite Foods

What are your top 10 favourite foods? Making a top 10 list of your favourite foods is a great exercise in learning what your taste and food preferences are. I recommend doing this at least once a year to see how your list evolves. Having this list also helps provide a big picture framework to make food choices for you. I have clients make a top 10 list of favourite holiday season or party foods to help guide their food choices at the holiday gatherings. Let’s start with a general top 10 list of favourite foods. Once you have your list, you can ask:

How often do I enjoy these foods? What is the variety of food on my list? Are there any veggies or fruit that make it onto my list? What tastes and textures do I seem to like most? What is the satisfaction or feeling(s) that I associate with each food?

I must say fried chicken is perennially on my top 10 favourite foods list. I enjoy it about once a month or less. Fried chicken is a food I have loved since I was a child. I love the savoury, crispy, and greasy tasty satisfaction it gives. I eat it here in Toronto and I also associate it with being on holiday-I have had some fantastic fried chicken in Barbados, Hawaii, Jamaica, and San Francisco.